Be true to yourself

If we are true to ourselves we automatically become true to the world. Because whatever external people, things or events exist out there, it is our mind creating that, and whatever is inside gets manifested outside in the form of people, things and events. The more resolved our past traumas and events are the smoother the external world will flow. 

When we decide to be honest with ourselves, we would not be able to entertain some external person or thing that is not resonating with us anymore, but we will cut through the bullshit like a sharp knife, and not because we’re rude or lacking empathy or diplomacy, but we realize that we are supposed to be ourselves and stand by the truth that is within us. By wasting time with people that are not on the same frequency we exhaust ourselves and we are neither helping them and much less ourselves. We are depriving them of the lesson of proper boundaries and we are exhausting unnecessary energy. 

The same goes for partnerships, friends, family and acquaintances or strangers. Why would you entertain someone if you don’t want to? Why to continue talking or meeting someone that drains you? Isn’t it that you are just tricking yourself that you are being a good friend, person, lover, neighbor .. Or whatever “good” you project on yourself to be? 

Lack of proper action sometimes is the same thing as harming self and others. Lack of determination in implementing what’s best for us is not at all “being kind and/or compassionate with the other”, but the other way around, because not establishing proper boundaries also deprives the other side of having the proper experience to also wake up and work with themselves. 

But let’s forget about the others. Let’s say that we want someone, we need a partner, a lover. At first we have all these ideas of I want him/her to be like this and like that and I definitely don’t want him/her to have this or that features. But as time goes by our neediness grows, so directly proportionally our standards lower and we are ready to accept things that in the beginning we were 100% sure we didn’t want to have. 

Eventually the hormones might push us into lower and lower vibration and we might be ready to accept many red flags just for the sake of satisfying the lower mind and body needs. It’s an experience that might transform into a trap. It may be good if it happened, you had it and let it go. The problem appears when we enter relationships with the wrong or let’s say inappropriate reason. Why? Because sexual intimacy or (just) external superficial attraction shouldn’t be the reason for us getting into a relationship, it means that the whole foundation is rotten. It means that our home’s foundation is made of clay and with time the sturdiness of the foundation will be tested and indubitably that construct will collapse under the heavy weight of vibrational, spiritual and mental mismatch. 

The more we stay in this types of relationships the more we will suffer, because through numbing our intuition and denial of the obvious, attachments are created, unhealthy projections and hopes are coming to existence and it will make the break-up more painful. On the other hand whatever is true and supposed to be there will unfold in a natural, beautiful way although relationships where there’s only peace love and harmony might be an utopic idea in this era.

When we are honest with ourselves, we are honest with the world and although we will lose a huge amount of (unnecessary) people, rest assured that we are heading towards knowing how our life is supposed to be, not what we were projecting onto it. 

On the other hand we shouldn’t project too many qualities or what the future partner should have or not, rather learn to flow with life, to listen to your Being, your heart and intuition, learn to see everything from the inner contentment feeling in which you are complete and devoid of “needs” or “wants”, and whatever is supposed to be yours will appear on its own. Appearance of its own doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do anything towards that goal (of having someone) if that’s how we feel. Choose wisely by cutting through the past distortions and tendencies that threw you over and over again into similar distorted relationships and you will step out of the lower flow. Observe life through that inner contentment and you will be able to accept being alone or with someone as being equally acceptable. 

There’s a saying that the one that’s the most patient will reap the ripest fruit. If you are experiencing a period of being alone, enjoy it. Take it as an opportunity to work your crap out, take it as a period of time for reflection and contemplation. Whatever is there it’s the best thing that can happen to you. Especially when you are honest with yourself. The more honest you are, the more free you will become. The more you love yourself, the more you will love everything and everyone in a very unconditional way. But don’t confuse the unconditional love towards the world and the existence, with the new-agey nonsense that you have to be good, do good and everything is pink clouds and unicorns. That’s again dishonesty to self. Find out who you are and own it! Embrace it with good and bad features, with qualities and shortcomings, because that is how you came to experience life.

There’s no malicious act if you’re acting, talking and being from that inner peace, the inner contentment that’s the essence of our Being. Therefore if you are more and more aligned with that Being that lies hidden inside of whatever living being at any point of time, then you can never go wrong,.. Whatever you might be saying or doing will be in perfect alignment with the Life itself regardless of how external people might perceive it. Life will then flow through your Being and through you people will get their own lessons without any effort or without you even noticing or wanting it. 

Be true to yourself and automatically you will be true to the external existence, hence there’s no need to further analyze your actions and speech.. Trust and love yourself and your life will become a synchronistic course of events.. Flow with life and know that you are being taken care of. 

Author: The Writer

Writing from my heart

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