It feels so lonely

The thing that truly changes when we evolve is our perception, as I said in one of my previous articles. By having a wider perspective, we invite the possibility to expand it more and more, by embodying the new version of ourselves. But Alas, the more we climb the steep path of getting to know ourselves and the world, the lonelier it gets.

Although external observers might not see the situation as such, and although we might have daily interaction with a diverse crowd, there are less and less people to relate to, less like-minded ones to acompany us on the path, or to understand what we’re going through.

I realize that it is like the path of the hermit from the tarot cards. A path of exile and loneliness in the midst of the noisy and busy world, that’s also probably the reason why mystics of the past were retreating in caves and jungles.

It’s like a marathon. So many are starting in the same time, yet few of them finish it, or even if they do finish at some point, their path will not intersect anymore with those on the first to finish, and much less of those that will continue to the next level, like in the case of people who are continuously expanding their view and perception, which is not an achievement, since it’s just the start of a lengthy (some say infinite) process of finding out and building who we are.

It’s not “just people” that one misses, since old friends might still be near. It’s someone that understands and walks on a similar path and shares similar views that we truly wish to encounter. And sadly, the more we dive into our beings and the more we incorporate spiritual realizations, the lonelier the path becomes.

At points we are tempted to project certain expectations and qualities onto people just for the sake of feeling emotionally and spiritually fulfilled, but the illusion doesn’t last long,.. A cold shower will come sooner or later, and the entire projecting and hoping will be turned to nothing, and we will be able to see everyone’s true colors the more we interact with them. And more often they will run away, instead of us pushing them away, although part of the journey is definitely growing to the point of establishing proper boundaries and cutting people out of our lives too.

I am not trying to portray myself or others that walk this lonely path as elite of any sort. On the contrary, the wider the perception, the wiser the seeker, the smaller one feels compared to the newly discovered vastness of life. Ideally one should be trying to stay away from superiority and inferiority alike, since they’re both traps, as Jivanmukti also writes about the numerous and hidden traps on the path, in her book: Siddha Param-Para – a true spiritual gem for whoever is serious about the path of self refining, a book that can change one if the time is right, and can ignite that dormant seed of That within ourselves, a book that definitely initiates the path within.

Back to feeling lonely, sometimes it feels overwhelming and sad, luckily there’s enough acceptance and courage to acknowledge and be ok with the fact that is a lonely path, and in the same time knowing and feeling that we are watched, guided and supported from higher realms of existence We can definitely feel the invisible Grace, blessings and protection at work in our experience of life. But at points we would go a long way to have someone to share the same level of understanding and path.

There are very few who “run” ahead (back to the comparison to a marathon), but those ahead will not stop to wait, and there are some lagging behind, but we shouldn’t stop and wait either. At points because too much loneliness, we may assume we could stop and wait, but it doesn’t work like that, even though if for a short while it may look like it does.

Stopping our “run” for someone, hoping that they would catch up is silly most of the times, and I realized that they’re behind not because they lack stamina Or potential qualities, neither help from the higher realms, but because they are unable to let go of ideologies, people, and things which are dragging them down, keeping them in the dark, stuck, like fetters attached to their ankles making their progress stall or extremely slow. Probably the distance between us and those “running ahead” is just a leap of faith, but Alas, it may sound easy but it’s definitely not, since many things are to be abandoned and transmuted in order to be able to jump, otherwise the weight is way too heavy for us to be able to separate ourselves from the previous level of the illusion.

To conclude, if you are on the right path, you will definitely perceive that you are losing people and feel more and more lonely, but hey… In reality we lose nothing but actually gain, since we start vibrating higher and we open up to resonating with higher beings that are in their majority in difrent planes of existence, so we gain more valuable friends and helpers. Also if you manage to find a “runner” that shares similar views and vibration, treasure this connection since the more you advance the lesser the crowd and you will start emphasizing quality over quantity.