Prayer to Oneself

May the flowers of wisdom, clarity and purity blossom inside of my being, their vines uproot the weeds of thoughts, desires and ignorance. May the uprooted weeds dry out by cessation of nourishing of those weeds which I mistakenly took for flowers for so long.

May peace, courage, silence and patience bloom instead of the weeds. May love fill all the remaining empty spaces with its fragrance and may it spread inside and outside in an eternal expansion.

May my reactions towards external stimuli be similar to the reaction of a giant rock on the bottom of the ocean to the movement of the surface waves. May the fire of my desires be as powerless as the painted fire in a drawing. May the storm and stir of the emotions manage to move me as the Himalayas are moved by a gust of raging wind.

May my inner peace never leave me again, now that I see the world and everything in it for what it is: An idea in the Mind of the Eternal, the All, a play of mirrors and imagination of That, a movie that is so well directed and played that absorbs the viewer into believing that is a character in that great production of The Consciousness.

When I pull myself back for a while, I remember to go back to watching the movie with the least interfering with or wanting to impose anymore my willpower onto it.

So be it!

Solve your puzzle

The evolution of the soul in experiencing the human body is to be understood as solving a spiritual jigsaw. With a normal puzzle after you’ve done it: “it was easy!”, but looks hard, and sometimes close to impossible before we start or at the very beginning.

The Universe hid hints and pieces in all the places, therefore is rather silly to be stuck in just one tradition/religion or perspective since none of them are capable of providing the ultimate enlightening truth. The one who is open to humbly learn and listen from whichever mouth, from whatever scripture, books and even songs and movies, that one is ready to start the journey of putting all the pieces together, to unify the dots to understand the hidden meaning of their visit of this earthly realm in a human body.

Listen to nature, inquire about it all, and look at the creation, It speaks to us continuously, it teaches us to gather all these bits and pieces and to put them together if we want to enlarge our perspective and start seeing things clearer, and wisdom will dawn on us. The further we go the weirder and unthinkable the places where the rest of the pieces are hidden, therefore don’t discard or neglect any place, and don’t leave any stone unturned because you might miss one part that may render the continuation of the jigsaw impossible, and the image will remain distorted and incomplete.

If we remain stuck in one tradition, we will remain ignorant about the pieces of wisdom that other traditions possess. Hence, enlarge your scope and dare to find out more from different sources, places and people. I have discovered that many scriptures from different religions and traditions are converging about the impossibility of a seeker to transcend the limitations by remaining in his natal country. This proves my point that if we remain in the limited box, our evolution will remain limited to that very box, therefore we will fail to grow beyond it.

It coincided with my observation about myself and the leap in my understanding and perception of things by travelling a lot and allowing myself to be exposed to different cultures, places, people and different spiritual beliefs. That doesn’t mean that we will have to embrace or adopt all the religions or agree to each of the theories that we may come across, although we will also learn through trial and error. But armed with patience, discernment and determination, the true pathless path will unfold before our very eyes. And each spiritual belief might have a tiny little bit of wisdom that other traditions might disregard.

From each culture and tradition, you can learn how to improve certain things, how to prioritize and practically and even pragmatically separate the useful from the unnecessary, and the information that speaks to your heart from the one that doesn’t resonate within you. That doesn’t make any of that less or more true than something else. It’s just whatever speaks to your soul, might not be speaking to the soul of someone else. We all have different paths and ways, and we can observe the beauty of it because it would be boring and silly to believe that an Eternal All-powerful Being will make all souls react to the same stimuli and they all would be healed by the same “ultimate panacea”.

“All the paths lead to Rome”, as such all the paths eventually take us back to the Source, some are longer and straight, some are steeper, and some are shorter but very bumpy. There are no identical paths. Therefore believing that our way should be good or equally true for others is but ignorance and spiritual immaturity.

Gather diligently all the bits and pieces and start putting them together, knowing that the truth is not to be found in one single place, but it’s a puzzle with innumerable pieces. Be like a child, absorbing all knowledge, and be mature like an old sage, by removing whatever doesn’t serve your purpose. Respect whatever you removed, without contempt for those who treasure whatever you threw for unnecessary since you ought to remember that all the paths are different and there is no mistake in the Creation.

The more we advance in the solving of this huge spiritual puzzle the humbler we become by acknowledging it’s almost impossible to grasp its vastness and the fact that it expands continuously, probably eternally to subtler and subtler levels of knowledge and vibration until we are back Home, back to the Source that even without knowing we are all searching for.

Continue reading “Solve your puzzle”

Be like the sun

Have you noticed how the sun is shining over good plants and weeds alike without discrimination? It is illuminating, nourishing and bathing everything under it in its Grace, showering the living and the inert, the good and the bad alike, like an all-loving father.

As such, the wise man is silently and stealthily infusing everything in his/her surroundings with the Light of the Being, blessing without intention everything that is in his proximity. His wisdom is making him silent, he no longer wants to show, to let people know that he is the one who is vibrating that energy that shakes the shackles of their ignorance, that wakes the dormant essence of the All that we are all together inherently sharing.

He once wanted to let everyone know that he is the reason for their healing, for their raising, but Alas, he has somewhat understood the wisdom of the Sun, who doesn’t brag, doesn’t ask for acknowledgement neither gratitude. He became self-sufficient, an anomaly of some sort, that no one but those who walked the same path of remembering may recognize.

Even himself can’t truly perceive his extraordinary achievement, therefore he is still searching for the glasses that are already sitting on his nose in front of his eyes already, or freneticaly looking for the phone that he is already talking at.

He is still in disbelief himself, expecting something otherworldly that will announce his achievement, but slowly notices how his freedom of expression and of mind are expanding, making him feel lonely somewhat even in the midst of the crowd. Then he observes the leap that he has taken. He never asked to evolve “out of the crowd”, but “out of the crowd” it’s the price of exiting the matrix, is one of the outcomes of the search for wisdom. Even if still in it, you can’t unsee it anymore. And since you see it’s fallacy, those remaining deeply within it will feel your weirdness and try to tag you as well as they can, obviously projecting their own ignorance onto whatever they fail to understand.

Do you think that the sun tries to acquire something? Does it have a desire to fulfill? He accepted its innate purpose of silently and gracefully blessing the entire existence with its warmth and light. But can you imagine how much more selfless and loving, the one that illuminates the sun itself, the one that sustains it all in Its immense love and patience, not judging, not separating, giving its creation a chance to remember that they are One, and One is All?

The sun is selflessly serving the Light and its Creator, he never fails to do its duty, he never calls in sick. Even when the clouds are hiding it, he’s still out there, above the clouds ready to let its love overflow.

What a great example for us the seekers of the Self. An example of patience, unconditional love, and perseverance, an example of how to shine silently, spreading the vibe of change, the unconditional love that we are made of, learning to give, to nourish and to shine.