About F.E.A.R(False Evidence Apearing Real) Part II

Fear sometimes is deeply hidden in the cellular memory, we may not even be aware of it, but regardless, all our decisions are made having the fear in the background.

Fear is like the surgical instrument that was “forgotten” inside us when the “surgeon” closed us in the past life.
We are sometimes unaware that we are talking nonsense(socially accepted bullshit) to people we don’t necessarily like, because of the fear, fear of not being accepted, liked, of being considered antisocial or weirdos. But we even became unaware of doing that, it became an automatic behavior that we must be aware of. We are staying with the wrong partner because of fear. We are bullying because of the fear of being otherwise bullied ourselves. We are becoming violent with people because of fear that they may leave us, or not do what we want them to do.

You see, my dear reader, fear is the unfortunate driving force which is ruling our life from the shadow, like our own “deep state” who rules us without us even noticing it.
Trying to control, or better said being a control freak comes from a deep sense of fear!

I was once flying for a very long time, and all of a sudden we meet tremendous turbulences. First I was afraid, I felt like shaking, my breath became chaotic, I started moving anxiously checking people around with my eyesight to see how are others taking the extreme event. I have seen people with they’re knees to their mouth, crying, lamenting… That moment I had a revelation: I am going to die! But then I stopped myself and decided to enjoy death fully, to sit back and enjoy my last extreme roller-coaster with grace and a broad smile on the face. And I did, I was so proud of my achievement, I felt that this is exactly the way people should welcome death. Because death is the only certainty that we have in this life. I was in bliss, while others were crying. Besides what’s the point of crying and lamenting? Is it going to change anything? This realization changed my life and patterns of thoughts and behavior along with it. Obviously nobody died, but even the flight attendants were pale and looking shaked because of the severity of the turbulences that we’ve been through.

You see, there’s no real utility for fear after we became adults, actually losing it will create real adults with real decisions which would make this world thrive. Learn to give freedom to people, freedom to do whatever they want, let go of control, look “vulnerable” without being vulnerable and when you’ll realize that life is taking care of you, there’s no need to worry about it, then you will experience blissful surrender, like I had on that plane, surrendering all expectations and projections, letting go of everything, even life.

Throughout my life, each time I surrendered to the unknown, having as a very likely possibility that I was going to loose something, eventually not only that I haven’t lost anything but I gained realizations, essential conclusions which push us further on the path of self-perfection. I also gained the partnership that I was dreaming about at that moment in time, by surrendering to the other’s will, accepting that the answer can be also a negative one.

In order to learn to be a winner, learn how to lose first, with grace, acceptance, understanding, humbleness…this will be a service to yourself and a great tool for your further evolution.

Keep on going on your path, because what’s a winner? A loser who tried one more time!

If you think your life is hard, maybe you are in the elite training mode, and you should remember:

Author: The Writer

Writing from my heart

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