Victimization – a spiritual disability


One of the biggest obstacle towards freeing ourselves from the shackles of the darkness of our ignorance is victimization. It is that sweet and sour feeling that the world is against us, that we are mistreated by life and the others, where we feel pity for ourselves. If you are there, you are trapped by your own inability to take full responsibility for your existence and if you continue on this path you can not exit. 

Exiting and transcending victimization is a huge progress yet a very hard decision to make. I have seen very beautiful souls that are, at least for the moment, incapable of taking full responsibility for everything in their lives. 

Whatever happens in your life is definitely there for you, there’s no accident, no chance. It is for sure some test, some karmic debt, some lesson to learn from. By running away from owning that moment in full awareness without blaming anyone, you are depriving yourself from a clear vision of where you stand at this moment on your evolutionary path. 

From experience I know how easy and comfortable it is to blame external factors, people and life in general for our experience. It’s such a soothing feeling to blame and point fingers at others instead of owning it all gracefully. 

First time I did it (managed to act out of the box) was with a very dear person to me that was appearing mean and disrespectful to me, when I decided to flip the tables and see things differently. Wow, what a shift. All of the sudden, a very potentially traumatic event appeared for what it truly was: nothing at all. It is us with our own power of consciousness, and roaming in heavy thoughts and over-analysis  that we create out of thin air traumatic events and enemies, through our veiled perspective about life. 

The spiritual student is a spiritual warrior. He/she sees the world as their opportunity to grow out of old habits and old paradigms that were keeping them fettered to the illusion. Now they see the world for what it is: a neutral school of souls to uplift themselves from the darkness of their ignorance. Everything is a theatrical play put in place by your higher Self to uproot once and for all the limitations that acted on your being as shackles, as huge fetters of ignorance blocking your advancement. 

The world we experience will change radically in front of our very eyes if we shift from the perspective of the victim to that of a being that knows always that whatever happens in their existence in the human body is just a play of the universe testing, balancing, healing and transcending old patterns into an unveiled, better perspective on life and the path towards self-discovery. 

Be grateful to everyone that takes you out of balance, that shakes you out of your illusory cocoon. Onto this path you started walking, there are no enemies. Be grateful to events that are out of your ordinary routine because there lays the opportunity of growth. Every single event or person that brings you into a state where you can choose to feel victimized is a great chance to grow and leave behind unnecessary and old ways of perception. 

Say to yourself,” ok, this happened! What’s my role in it, what is the lesson, what is the reason” . Forget about blaming others because it is of no use, forget about blaming circumstances because it is a misconception. Nothing is random, nothing happens by chance. Be grateful to those that shake your peace, because they’re the reminders that you are either that peace no matter what is happening, or you are just another spiritual hypocrite. 

The brilliance of life will be noticed immediately after forgetting the victim’s way of thinking and being. Your flow in life will be smoother and what you experience will be seen in direct accordance with the Higher plan of your Self, where there are no random events or people, they all have a great role in our evolution. 

Everything carries in it a great danger or a great opportunity. It is only a matter of our choice what is going to be. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!”. Remember that and always take the right approach in whichever situation, take the juice of life and don’t allow nothing neither anyone drag you back to your old way of perception. Remember if you believe that your life is miserable and you are a victim of it and people, you will be enforcing that over and over again with your energy and thoughts. As soon as you shift, the paradigm will shift too and a veil will be lifted from you to grow further. 

That peace, that love, that bliss…

Once we taste a very good quality of Sencha tea, in my case my favorite is organic Midori No Kaori from Uji province in Japan, then everything else that is below that level no longer feels tasty as it used to be, all of the sudden they all feel fake, a very faint reminiscence of what true quality should taste like. 

As such with our true Being, once we get a glimpse of that inner Being that resides in all and everything, the peace that we feel (that is the emanation of the Being), is like the scent of the rose… invisible yet powerful and going beyond the limitations of the physical form. 

Sometimes we are dragged back into the vortex of Samsara, the very mundane life that we thought we uprooted but even if we allow ourselves to be blinded again for a while, we will long for that true essence which sheds light to the so called reality we are living in and makes it look like a black and white movie that can’t be mistaken for reality. 

At points the emotional turmoil captures our awareness and we lack that spiritual objectivity from before the upheaval, but deep inside ourselves that Being is slowly unveiled, like growing (although in reality nothing is growing, everything was always there, only under some heavy veils and distortions). As soon as the power of the emotions subsides, peace comes back in unless we are trying to draw conclusions, analyze and give meaning to things that have no meaning whatsoever. Whatever happens has no true purpose other than teaching you to accept and let go in each and every moment of Now. Thoughts are bombarding us with suggestions: do this, do that, don’t do this and that, leave, run, attack.. 

Best approach is to smile or even laugh out loud. It’s at that moment that all the power that we invested our mind with is similar to the power which we give to the government and politicians that are no longer working in our best interest anymore,..everything fake falls into pieces by the Lotus feet of the Ultimate Existence which we all are. 

Annihilate the mind projections and analysis, the thoughts and feelings and you are going to dive deep into your Being, no judgment, no projection, no concepts…Become pure perception, just pure unhindered existence. That’s who we all are. That peace, that Love, that bliss, that calmness and humbleness is who we truly are.

 All the rest, ideas, names, titles, possessions, attire, and anything other than that are just separating tools, tools that empower the lower ego, the “little self” who is forever victimized and in fear, who judges and analyzes the experience through past traumas and distorted memories and is driven by the desire to control the external environment. 

When you are able to get even for a small amount of time away from the mind and ego and taste that inner Blissful Being, then you will have only one vision: how to expand that Being which is You and Everything, into transcending all the past ideas and rulers and becoming fully That which you have always been. 

The selfless person is not competing anymore for anything, because they know that what’s theirs is there without effort, without fighting (for it), just because of who they are, because they’re flowing with Life and know that what’s theirs to have cannot be taken away and they do not let the experience bound them. We are One and All already, why are you running for a minute portion when you are everything that ever was, is and will be. Don’t misinterpret the “without the effort” part, we still have to give our 100% in everything we do, yet it comes almost effortless since it is a flow of You in the experience.

Now sit back and watch everything from the point of view of the information you’ve received. Everything is empowered and created by you. All your pleasure and pain is just seeing your creation through a very narrow standing point. Once you transcend, the illusion seems like it lost its shine, you see the flaws of the narrative that’s supposed to keep you asleep, and the ephemeral nature of everything within it and now you know that you are immortal and you are going to Be, long after this whole movie will end!

A hamster in its wheel

Oh silly happiness seeker, dreaming about an illusion. The illusion is eating your brain like the maggots are feasting from the carcasse’s flesh. Why are you longing for chimeras? Why can’t you just be, without projections neither desire, and you can see that the thing that you are looking for in the world exists inside of you, in the form of peace and stillness. You are already there, only unaware of it.
This world feeds out of people’s desire for happiness. Just like little mice in their wheels; powering and empowering the matrix with every craving and desire.

And when they’ve found that “happiness” they’ll have to taste disappointment again, cause whatever they’ve found is but temporary. If they (we) would know all this deep inside themselves they wouldn’t pray to gods anymore, but gods will pray to them, since the shackles of ignorance will be shattered by surrendering desires, the true Godliness will emerge.
I am myself a mouse in its wheel ; and the harder I try to reach my goals, the more exhausted I am, and the result invariably the same: failure. If the poor mouse would be able to realize that there’s nowhere to go, neither anything to achieve, in that very second the mouse will be God.


People are expecting some sort of external saviors to come for the rescue; aliens, angels, energies from the space, unicorns and what not.. It’s because we are just addicts and lazy… We want to be saved instead of working our crap out and realizing that whatever 5-10D we are dreaming about it’s right here and now, but we are still ignorant and low and we believe that by dreaming about pink clouds and other new-agey stuff we’re going to be evolving… Wake up… Start cleaning up your own house, don’t expect others to come do that for you, because you did that life after life after life,… Now it’s time to take responsibility for your life and to acknowledge and accept that you are having both polarities represented inside of you since you are in duality,.. So denying one of the polarities(generally we ignore the negative) will only swipe the dirt under the rug where it will grow and eventually blow up into your face.

What’s the difference between now and 2000 when ppl were expecting changes, evolution, cataclysmic events and so on… Then Nibiru, then 3 days of darkness, then 2012 then what not…

Maybe we should just leave this game of hope and fear and own our shit (the so called reality we live in) and live with it and remember that we are One with everything.

Unfortunately we are diving deeper into Kali Yuga, a. k. a. the age of darkness so the dark is getting darker and the shit is about to hit the fan (excuse my French)… So just work with yourself, remove unnecessary things, stop being an addict, work your child traumas and see that you are here to do that with yourself and unless you did that, you can’t assume how it is to be evolved because it’s the same like a dog would assume how it is to be a human and it can’t, because it’ll filter all its projections through the limited dog consciousness. Just arm yourself with courage and willpower, humbleness and discover your inner purity and life itself will start flowing in a proper way, and you will be touched by the Grace.

Unfortunately the majority are just dreaming and assuming that they’re ascending.. Nowhere to ascend, we are already That, the Eternal, the Omnipresent, the Omnipotent.. Nowhere to go,… Nothing to change..
That’s why own life as it is, and it’s not made of pink clouds at all.

Life is actually if properly analyzed a never ending montagne-russe with good things followed by bad ones.. From a normal human perspective looks mostly negative. I would say it’s neutral, only our interpretation gives it a meaning and a polarity, otherwise it is pure experience and nothing more.
Once we change the perception everything changes. We are living in a mind construct and everything is upside down, hence whatever medicine is bitter and the sweet does you harm. Embrace challenges, traumas and dramas,.. Dig deep into them and see what have you contributed to that to happen. Don’t blame anyone (not even yourself), forgive and let go… Flow. As long as you dream about some energies that will shift you and take you into a different dimension, you are just running away from yourself and the life that you chose to have (previous to be born).

If you remember that no matter what you do or experience, everything is correct, instead of too much indulging into good things and lamenting when bad things happen, you just own them and see the amazing life teaching inside them all and fix a smile on your face no matter what and know that the true evolution is through hardships, learning from them. The good things if we dive too much into them have the potential to make us addicted to that kick of endorphins and other hormones, but they should be instead just a moment of rest on the steep road towards discovering Ourselves, and embrace challenges which are the climbing on that steep path.

May all of you who are ripe be touched by the Grace!!! (Although we are all – regardless if evolved or not – just bathing in It).

Courage is required, because we are going to face ourselves and our biggest enemy which is the wrong-ego… All our demons and enemies are just ourselves, so accept everything and transform!

May the Ultimate Existence that we all are bless you!

By the way I highly recommend people who resonated with what I wrote to watch the movie Revolver of Guy Ritchie, and probably you will need to watch it minimum 2-3 times to get the full juice out of it. (I watched it 6-7 times and I still discover new ideas)

Just a random flow of words

We are captured in a game by our own addiction to dopamine and endorphins. This secret was definitely captured and kept even more secret by the companies that are ruling the world at the moment and make money from us because we are just a product for them, which is sold to other companies in the name of profit, control and power. 

Before the technological times we were still addicted to chemical pleasure induced by endorphins and dopamine but there were different stimuli which are still active like good food, alcohol, sex and any activities that are creating pleasure for us the human beings. Now everything is played at a very different level, because of the technology we are more and more addicted and controlled. 

Let’s take the example of a simple computer game, it has embedded a system of “stick and carrot” that turn them to be very addictive, because by default we are going to be fighting for that carrot and avoiding as much as possible the stick. But the fault of these games at the beginning (according to the creators) it was that they were ending in matter of days, weeks or maximum months so the grip of the illusion was loosing its power and that meant that they’ve lost their clients. All the games created nowadays are endless, created to keep us in a continuous loop of unawareness and submission, hoping for that little kick of dopamine that will make us feel “happy”. The same principles are applied in social media. Likes, hearts and flames among others are irresistible goals for the nowadays people. The very psychology is dissected and used against us to keep us in a inception-like reality, like a dream in a dream.

All the social media, game industry, fashion industry and everything adapted to create this apparent “perpetuum mobile” that will maintain us in a chemically induced submission of our will and inner power. The medical and pharmaceutical systems are functioning in the same way. Why would they heal the world? Wouldn’t that mean that it will be the end of their businesses? Why would the weapon industry want to create peace? Wouldn’t that (the peace) end the life of their businesses – a mammoth of war composed out of companies that are sucking the countries dry by speculation of differences? 

We are now being played by the differences, all the things that are differentiating us are used, manipulated in order to create smaller and smaller factions that will make us feel separated from the only group that we truly belong – the earthly beings. Now people self identify as gay, hetero, catholic, agnostic, muslim, female, male, trans, black, latino and what not. In reality we are all beings. We are played by our own narcissistic desire to feel special, different, to feel more important than others. Divide et impera, is used as the means to create rapture between us. Families are torn apart, friends and neighbors are now split because of politics and separation of race, because of believing in different things, because one believes in the government and the other in the extreme corruption of that government, because of sexual choices and whatever they might find as a means to separate. 

Separation is the key to destruction! 

To counter it, see everyone as yourself, as your child, mother, father, sister… Start seeing what unites us all, because what separates is out there every day trumpeted and enhanced by the media, by the government, by all the entities that feed out of our separation. Start realizing and remembering that we are all just Light of the Divine, deprived of the memory of being Divine, split into billions of tiny particles and inhabiting temporary intelligent constructs made of flesh, bones, cartilages and muscles, supposed to find our way back. 

The way back is through unity. The way back is acceptance of the inner and outer flow, of the inner and outer corruption, of the inner and outer purity… Everything is to be accepted and received without emotions. Be in the world but not of the world! Somewhere deep inside yourself you KNOW that we are all One,.. you still feel that it is true yet in this identification with the body and the ego, the information is canceled and misunderstood. Be (like) a caring mother for everyone and the world will unfold differently. We are living in a world where several timelines and dimensions are coexisting, as such many people living in an apparent hellish realm could have a good life or experience and vice-versa; people that are living in a paradisiacal environment can feel and experience the living hell. 

Once our perception changes, the outer world will be changing. Everything is inside ourselves in the form of distortions and tendencies and projected by our minds outside; like that, the illusion is born! 

World is a mind construct. Once you control the mind, you are free from the fetters of bondage. Once the mind stops, the turmoil ceases too. Try it and convince yourself! 

Chintamani Gem

We are not only living in God, in the Absolute, filling us with it from within and enveloping us and the world from without, but we are continuously exposed to the true liberating knowledge which lays hidden in plain sight, like the sun is always visible in the sky yet we fail to understand its true meaning, nature and existence.

Once we take the hard path to cleaning our being of the unnecessary, Grace makes its appearance and removes certain veils or obstacles just enough to make the journey a bit less than impossible. By cultivating our inner purity, selflessness, patience and humbleness the Knowledge reveals to ourselves and we remain in awe how simple and close to us all was the real information for the whole time. Things that in the past seemed to be gibberish or too abstract for us to even “waste our time” with, are shining bright into our minds and hearts and the true Existence is slowly revealing itself to us.

I am very grateful for all the great people that I have met and for all the amazing scriptures that I got my hands on, it was all made possible by the Grace of the Absolute. There is no mistake anymore. All the “mistakes” and “errors” are but part of the “Plan”, part of the great Revelation of the Almighty. It is so awesome that I have tears in my eyes while writing this and I hope that many of you will reach this point of recognizing the Grace of God in our lives. Many people felt it, wrote poems, prose, and sang their joy, the joy of remembering, the joy of knowing. Through the ocean of writings that exist in this world, there are many gems written by the very Spirit that permeates us all. They are but impossible to find for the unripe soul, even if the scriptures would be in his/her library, they would fail to release their Light (True knowledge) until the time is right and that person proved its worthiness. It is like a story I read about a seeker that found the most valuable and priceless gem in the world and because he didn’t believe himself to be finding that easy such a priceless object although he was looking for it, he threw away his finding and he continued searching for something that he already had in his hands. Eventually he found some bracelet made of shells and colored glass and he was happy to have found that, assuming that that must have been the Gem of gems that he was looking for, yet it was just a trinket.
I will explain this parable, because it is similar to the spiritual seekers, who by Grace may have touched the true Knowledge and / or got to meet the true preceptor but because their mind wants complication, methods and concepts, and because they fail to understand that the true preceptor will not come or look as in their projections and expectations, so they have thrown away their own priceless Diamond and exchange it for many colored pieces of glass and shell shards – fake gurus that have shining attire and mesmerizing talks and shows.

The true seeker, once he finds that gem, puts it inside their heart and mind and hold to that, knowing that it’s by merit and Grace that they were allowed to find that Gem and they will hold it for the rest of their existence very dear to them, knowing that that luminous Gem is their chance to transform into a Gem themselves.

This true Gem, the Chintamani Gem, is getting into one’s life to empower that being (the seeker) into becoming a true effulgence of the Divine Light themselves. The fake ones want the entire shine for their own, disempowering the prey just like spiders catch their prey in their snares and keep them alive to suck their vital energy. Their words may say otherwise yet their actions speak for themselves.

The biggest misconception

The biggest misconception that our mind serves us is that we are limited to the boundaries of our own bodies. That’s the invisible cell wall of our self-created prison.

I read in Yoga Vasistha, that the ignorant sees the golden bracelet in the form of just a bracelet and forgets the gold that is the essence of the bracelet. As such we are ignorant of the Supreme Self, that is the very essence of each and every manifested being or object. So let’s try to see deeper, because whatever is visible might be deluding and distracts us from recalling the Divine essence that imbues everything.
If we are That, the Absolute and Universes and everything inside and outside of them, how can we confine it to the limited bodies of ours, how can we limit ourselves to such a degree when we are Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient as our essence is. We are just different jewelry and accessories made out of the same priceless material – God/The Ultimate /That..

Now maybe you can have that “Eureka” moment like I had myself, realizing that although we are bound by will and desires of the mind to this existence in the human body, in reality we remain that same boundless Being of pure Light that has no limit neither is confined by anything. Whatever we were always searching for (as true spiritual pursuits) was already inside of us all the time and our only effort should be in eliminating the misconceptions through which we are held prisoners and these misconceptions are created by the master of them all – our lower mind.

To transcend the mind at first we must exert a huge amount of willpower, this exertion will not take us to any palpable result, but to the realization that the machinations of the mind – thoughts and desires – are not real, are just limitations and the cunning snare of the Illusion which is the mind itself building the illusion that we are surrounded by. So the exertion of power, and courage serves just as a proof of our determination which allows Grace to come and remove the veil, otherwise it’s as futile as action as applying sunscreen on a rainy day. I know what you think, but then can’t we just wait for the Grace to come and bring with it the peace and silence inside of the mind and remove its limitations and reveal the Mind which is an extension of the Mind of the Creator, of the Absolute? I wish it could be that easy, because through the “false” path of exertion and action we show our valor, our courage, our determination, sturdiness, patience, humbleness, purity and selflessness which are mandatory for the true Self-realization of who we truly are, like I said in previous articles, the Power is Intelligent in itself, being but an extension of the Absolute, so it can’t be tricked, bribed or be brought forcefully or prematurely.

So go on and show what you are made of, discover and dust off from the shelves of oblivion the qualities of which we are all made of – the qualities of the Supreme: purity, selflessness, contentment, non-judgment, non-differentiation, acceptance, humbleness, courage, unattached and unbound by any belief, concept or desire and discover those beautiful wings that you were carrying with you the whole time, spread them wide and remember how to fly, cause after all it must be like riding the bike, once you do it, you will always remember it.
Start cultivating these qualities, or better said remove those fake qualities of the ego and illusion to rediscover the simplicity and purity of the true Self. Force your attention onto every single second of your life, bring awareness in your life and let it be your forever partner in the world, because awareness is what differentiates us from the ignorant animal-like beings that are just like leafs in the wind of the ever-changing and consuming illusory world.

If we realize that there’s no I and me, or other, that we are all One and that One is All, how can we need any moral rule or laws to restrict our actions, when we know that the action against another being is directly against ourselves?

The dual potential of the experience

Life in its essence is extremely simple and its guidelines easy to follow for an aware being. The problem is that nowadays we are mostly navigating adrift, without a clue in this ocean called life. Everything that happens to us has the potential to destroy us (to drag us deeper into the illusion) or to uplift us, meaning to give us the tools for our conscious awakening, towards realizing who we are and what’s the purpose for incarnating in this particular realm in this particular day and age, but more so: the pain that we are supposed to notice, accept and work with in order for it to become obsolete.

Everything that happens to us is definitely something that we have to experience, especially since it happened already. The first thing we can do to properly address the matter is to accept it no matter how hard it is to do so.

Acceptance itself it’s such a powerful tool that reduces a lot the negative impact of some unfortunate happenings.

When we accept something that happens, we exit already the low vibrational vortex of victimization, whining, guilt, shame and other unnecessary emotions and feelings. If we truly accept something there’s no reason anymore to roam in what happened, we automatically step into the present moment and instead of asking ourselves how would it have been if we would have act or said something differently, – which is useless because that moment is gone, and there’s absolutely no reason to waste your time and energy accusing self or other/-s, trying to project potential other approaches – we should rather accept what happened. So once you have accepted, the “problem” is already half solved.  

Working with own faults, distortions and programs is way easier when those flaws are brought to the surface by a certain life event or triggered by a person in your life. I remember that someone asked me: “Well but how do I work my crap out?” 

The first step is noticing the existence of the “crap”, secondly you accept the fact that it is there inside yourself and that it is affecting your life, your decisions and the outcome of your actions. The worst mistake that we’ve all been through throughout our lives is to blame external actors (aggressors) and situations. Take full responsibility, there’s no other way. The third part is working with it. Accepting the responsibility for that character flaw (like victimization, narcissism, controlling nature, aggression, lying…) and be ready to watch with awareness that particular flaw (for the moment) and decide to consciously stop its influence in your life. One way of working with it would be to notice when was the first time that we remember a similar pain to the one that we’re experiencing in the present circumstance even if the events might look different and unrelated. Then we should start asking, like kids, “Why do I have this pain? Because I feel hurt. Why do I feel hurt? Because I did that. Why have I done that?”… and so on until you manage to get to the root of the problem. Probably it’s useless to repeat that this will not work unless a full openness and truthfulness to self is employed. Most likely the root cause of the problem is some misinterpretation of a childhood occurrence, an over-exaggerated perspective over that early experience. Or it can be even some very serious abuse, violation, violence or even small – totally silly for our mind now- events where we felt ashamed, guilty, abused, raped, betrayed, alone, deserted, sinful and so on… One way of transcending it is to consciously go in to that same situation and look at the actual event happening in front of you, you being the victim (as a child – in that moment) and you being an adult, now, a spectator to the whole drama. Feel that pain fully in your body, accept it if still there, because it will not go unless you are experiencing it fully, getting it exhausted. See it in a very detached way, forgive yourself and whoever was the trigger or aggressor, know that we are supposed to take full responsibility for everything that happens in our lives, and know that nobody is truly a victim. Know that you are lighter now, having a better chance to evolve out of your misery because of that event taking place. Hug that broken, hurt child that is suffering in the replayed memory, cry together if necessary, but then explain the child that everything that we are experiencing is necessary for our further growth and beyond everything that we’ve learned, everything is definitely correct and always in alignment with the Divine construct laws to which our lives abide as everything else in the Existence.

So keep always in mind the dual potential of whatever happens in your life and remember that it’s only us and our reactions to it that truly determines the outcome of that (otherwise neutral life circumstance). We are the only ones self-sabotaging our own lives by choosing always the same path, the old path that we know, the automatic response of the autopilot, the victimized perspective. Letting go with ease is crucial, it’s the choice that defines who we are at the moment. Surrender and let go of everything, embrace challenges, be always ready for change, embrace things that you used to run from, like facing problems, pains, hard work and struggle or new experiences that you would have passed in the past otherwise. In order for you to pick different fruits from your garden you have to definitely plant different trees. Old trees will invariably give the fruits that you already know. Without a new approach, everything will continue as previously, so there’s no one to blame for your life circumstances but yourself, your choices and past deeds. But “blaming” (as a choice of wording) can be misleading, so you shouldn’t even blame yourself. Don’t blame anyone, but instead take responsibility for everything and remember that the secret is in your actions or the lack of them, in what you say or what you don’t say. Study your own being and the knowledge that is scattered in millions of books and individuals, will be unfolding from within yourself with ease. It was always there hidden under tons of unnecessary junk that you started sorting out. You were always That which is the essence of everything surrounding us. Good luck with sorting that huge pile out, I got some crap to work with myself 😁.

Is life an illusion?

We are mice in hamster wheels, and each time we breakthrough some limitations and we think we are free, we just go in a wider, bigger, more elaborated wheel in which we are running again in circles, in eternal loops of Maya. And even if we transcend and evolve out of the bigger wheel, I suspect that the number of wheels (illusions in The illusion, dream in the dream) could be infinite. That’s why I believe that without Grace, without someone who already walked the path towards freedom and reached a more advanced level than the one we’re in, it’s close to impossible. The Illusion is very hard to transcend since is the very inventivity of the Absolute which is playing through us a big Cosmic game of hide-and-seek. So I believe that if we try hard enough, if we are dedicated to transcending all the levels of the illusion with sturdiness and patience, Grace is definitely there with us, breaking doors that are over our power at the moment and throwing onto our path people and information that are crucial for our growth out of the self created prison.

The uselessness of lamenting or whining is obvious since there’s no benefit in doing it; whatever is done is done, accept, surrender and let go. As I am continuously emphasizing it, this is the path of the courageous, the humble and the the patient. There is no other way. People dream about doing it fast, taking some weekend course which will propel them to the “5th dimension” or who knows what, yet true Spirituality is gained through hard work, pain, courage and close-to-craziness sturdiness on the path. We will definitely fall thousands and hundreds of thousands times but each time we dust our clothes and start it all over again, even if we are stumbling on the same rock times and times again. Forgive yourself and everyone else and push your limits. Push your self-imposed boundaries onto yourself. There’s nothing really impossible yet if we believe in the impossibility of something, then we create that impossibility and we enforce it (unknowingly) with the power of our consciousness. 

We all come here with a certain amount of karma to exhaust, therefore accept all the hardships and all the failures, all the people that “help” you stumble with a smile on your face and know that you are one step closer to becoming purer each time you suffer, because you are paying the debts and hence clearing up your path for your further development. 

Do whatever you do with 100%+ effort but without expecting a certain outcome, because no matter what the result is, you’re winning: if you are getting the desired result – is the desired outcome, and if not then you’re paying your past karma so either way you should be happy. 

There is a fate for each and every one of us, even the gods are having a destiny, yet the Universe, the Illusion, gods and the Highest Power are moved by the effort that one exerts to grow out of fatality and they are bowing down to such power of determination and they might interfere to change the implacable. So there is a destiny, but with assiduous work we can change it (if initially it disfavors us). But if there was good destiny for some lazy person, that good potential is wasted and doesn’t come to fruition because of the laziness and inactivity. So to summarize don’t be a fatalist because you are going to be picking only the wrong results. Trust life fully and know that whatever you are going through it’s nothing but the best outcome for you and your spiritual evolution. 

Are we spiritual seekers?

There are 3 types of paths chosen by souls looking for spirituality nowadays:

The first group, the power hungry (into the occult), are young souls (inexperienced – therefore they try everything) that want power and control over life and people and are mesmerized by the promise to rule over the matter. People hunger for power are weak and victimized beings that hope to be finally in control, after being controlled in the past. 

The second group, the “flower power”, are full of hope for a better world where pink clouds and unicorns are dancing with angels, aliens and other “benevolent” entities,  in other words hoping of a utopia where there’s nothing but “good” and love and so on and the negative side is minimized and sweeped under the rug. What they’re really ignorant is that in a world of polarities they can never have white without the black, happiness without unhappiness, love without hate and having (something/someone) without loosing that eventually. Their choice of spirituality comes also from a deep sense of feeling victims of life and of other beings. The majority of the mainstream religions are included in this group because they’re all emphasizing the need to reach out to the positive (paradise) without acknowledging the existence of both within and without ourselves. 

The third group, are old souls mainly which probably have tried the above mentioned trends and fell into it for lives and lives, and eventually got fed up with their failures and decided to try the real thing this life. They are all victimised to a certain degree, yet here, they realize that they are the creators of own life events and circumstances hence the need to take full responsibility for whatever happens without blaming or accusing others in the process. But they can always fall into the trap of going to one of the previously mentioned groups as being a familiar place to go and due to the hardships met. This group towards the end of their journey know that it’s futile to have any hope, and they have no desire towards any outcome whatsoever anymore,they are just living life consciously and working hard without any expectation towards achieving the fruits of their work, equally accepting whatever outcome and knowing that the true life lessons might come from unexpected and/or unwanted outcomes. 

The PH are ready to do whatever to see their hunger for power satiated, therefore most of the times they fall for worshipping entities, performing all kinds of rituals and sacrifices to appease those entities. What they’re not aware of, is the fact that the price for the short-lived moment of power(even if it might last for a lifetime) is extremely high and eventually they will end up being consumed by that very power that were harnessing and manipulating. Some of them feel the danger and try to escape from their cults or habits yet they will have to be very courageous and strong to be able to do that. Even when they get out of the trap, they might fall into another one the trap of overpositivity which transfers them to the “Flower power” group. 

Another trick of the illusion is that they might feel too guilty for everything that they’ve done and they prefer to sink further instead of exiting the trap they’re in. But once the person realizes the mistakes made and takes action towards changing the path, if they’re truly sincere in their quest, the Grace will support them. The support never comes in the way we might project or expect it to come, that’s why full trust in one’s Higher Self and the Highest Power has to be there. 

Both groups, the flower power and the power hungry have chosen their paths because of ignorance, because of not having a clue about what they want to get, why and what are the repercussions for their ignorance. But at any point the true path can be found, and that’s within, it’s the path of no procrastination, no wasting their time, the path of work with oneself and their distortions that veil then and obstruct their clarity. 

The third group is a very small group of souls, mostly migrating from previous groups and risking to go back to one of those groups at any point. Therefore awareness has to be there all the time and decision to never go back no matter what is another key element. Their job is a very tedious one, and they are supposed to face all their inner demons that are veiling their true nature. They are supposed to face their fears, their desires, their anger, their jealousy, their guilt, their wish to control, their victimization and so many other viruses and programs that keep them bound to the self created illusion. 

This is not the path to better, not the path to love or to “heights”. It’s just the path within, the path towards nothingness, which is the very fabric of everything. The real information is almost impossible to conceptualize, to verbalize and try to explain, it is beyond our logical capabilities, it’s an unbelievable, non-linear journey in which we jump back and forth, we are going to hell and back with such speed that majority feel like quitting and their strength and willpower is big time tested. 

Since the true path is beyond duality, we know that both currents are to be worked with and transformed and neutrality should be the only goal for the soul wanting to find out all the answers to their questions. Whatever you might project and expect, toss it away since we are just unable to grasp what true evolution might look like. Forget about hope, any hope is throwing you back into one of the first two groups. Let Life surprise you, work hard with yourself and your distortions, realize that you are not the body, but Consciousness experiencing the body and the game we’re in. No need to worship anything or anyone like the first 2 groups are doing, true worship is being fully aware of own existence, actions and words and the outcomes of them in our existences and making the decisions that are necessary and suitable for each situation. 

Hope, the biggest trap! 

I am sure that the majority of you reading this article are going to scratch your heads in disbelief. So I will try to explain my perspective. 

When we hope that something is going to happen in a certain way or the outcome of our actions is going to be the one that we want, we pave the way to diving deeper into the illusion and into misery. 

Before taking birth into this life we’ve seen the things that we are supposed to experience and we agreed with them, believing that it will be like a walk in the park. Unfortunately the problem is that when the soul is not being bound to any physical vehicle (body) we can’t realize how much the pain would be felt in the body, how overwhelmed we might become by emotional pain and traumas, and we’re also unaware of how addictive is everything in this experience. Besides being out of the body means a certain higher level of freedom and a clearer vision of the world and the game that we are about to enter. Most of us fail over and over, because of hope doubled by ignorance. We are just unable to accept things the way they are. We are unable to realize that whatever happens is correct for us and there’s a big realization behind any trauma and “bad” or unpleasant event. I know this myself, yet it’s so hard to break free out of this extremely well-built game we’re living in. 

Hope is the very desire to control, to manipulate life events towards a desired outcome. But what if being in this game with almost no awareness about who we truly are, and what is the purpose of us being here is impossible to grasp? What if surrendering to life and its flow is all we can do? It’s scary, because people are afraid, afraid of the unknown, afraid of events that will shake their lives. But if you are ready to go whatever way life comes, with a smile on your face, then you are definitely on the right track.

Hope is emphasized over and over again by mass-media, and the society in general. It is the warden of our invisible walls jail that we’re inhabiting. Hope is our very strong will and imposition onto ourselves. “I hope that I will get that job”, “I hope that my wife will love me forever “… The silly thing is that we are attached to things and people and by hoping, praying for something to happen we are influencing the outcome of life how it was planned before incarnating this time and we are missing the point hundreds and thousands of lives. 

“I hope that I will get that nice job” . Maybe it’s a dead-end for you, maybe it’s some warm unnecessary stop from the evolution. Maybe by concentrating our creative energy towards achieving that goal we’re missing something better. 

“I hope that my wife and I will be forever together”. 

We are just trying to stop the time and it’s just a laughable idea. What if you don’t project any willpower, you are happy with the wife you are having, yet you are not dependent and you accept that nothing lasts forever and you are surrendering to life and the events that you chose to experience. I am not advocating lacking of vision or promiscuity,.. The things that I am talking about are subtle, they’re happening under the gross aspect of life, so we can enjoy life and its beauty, but recommended not to attach to anything due to the continuously changing characteristic of life.

 We are powerful(without knowing it) and this is the downfall in the illusion, because we are trying to manipulate the game to achieve some minor comfort and we forget that our plan was to experience and expand our limited perspective about life. By praying or hoping towards achieving something, we are lost, we wasted another life and it will happen so until we relax and accept the ride (life) as it comes, without hopes or desire to manipulate events or the outcomes. 

Now there’s this coronavirus fear all over. This makes us automatically infected by hope. We hope that we are not going to catch the virus, or if we catch it we hope that we won’t die,.. The illusion is getting stronger and stronger in its grip by hope. Accept the “reality” as it is, but employ your maximum awareness and flow in life with awareness. If so, you will always know what to do in a certain situation, you will know if and what to do, if and what to say. Just accept this ever-changing nature of life and your existential drama will fail to shake you.

 Hope carries with it desire for a better life, better future, preservation of what we have.. Again attachment. By not being able to fully accept what we’re going through and what we are experiencing at the moment, we are blocking the possibility towards extracting the right essence, the right knowledge out of the situation so we are doomed to repeat the process in this life or the next until the lesson is learned and the true knowledge is extracted and imprinted into our beings. 

Give up hope and build inside yourself acceptance towards whatever life brings and once in many thousands of lives we will start realizing our being and the purpose of our existence in here. 

Perceiving life as it is

We, people are so ignorant about everything. We are perceiving everything through a very tiny opening through which we peek into the so called reality, yet we are literally unable to grasp the existence. So we are prone to misinterpret continuously the reality we’re living in by projecting old beliefs and understanding from past experiences into the present, so that the present is not at all “present” but some new experience with “past” flavors. Hence, the evolution is getting more and more limited as time goes by, that being the very reason why we perish.

Let’s take a look at our problems and things that we are not so happy about. It seems like we are in deep trouble, yet if we take a moment to contemplate about it, we might be surprised to find out that more than half of the planet’s population have worse experiences, and yet they might take it easier. 

It is all about the inner perception about the world. So 2 people experiencing same experience will always feel it and interpret it in different ways. 

I found something on the internet that said: “I was sad that I didn’t have shoes until I met a person without legs.” So it’s all about the way we perceive life and mostly we perceive life not only through past distortions and experiences but through comparison with others. Eventually we are living a terrible experience just because of our expectations and hopes. We are just unable to accept whatever comes our way with calm and taking everything as a new opportunity of inner growth and experience. 

We are doomed, just because we are dreaming about pleasure and happiness. Because we are slaves to the senses, we are continuously looking for ways to entertain and “enjoy”, yet true enjoyment is in each moment of “Now”, each moment carries embedded the inner contentment, or the happiness that we are foolishly looking for outside. We are already there. Even in the moment of distress, if we manage to look at the things far from above, like watching a movie, we will realize that there’s nothing so tragic, nothing so traumatic. It’s just life, and the more there’s struggle, the more we are pushed by life towards understanding what life is about. 

True spirituality is in the conscious experience of each moment of NOW, perceiving the most traumatic and the most pleasurable alike, as pure neutrality. Know that life is a continuous roller-coaster, a perpetual up and down cycle which we can’t stop or control. The only thing that we can change is ourselves and our wrong perception about life, a perception from the victimized and /or entitlement point of view. 

Feel life deep inside yourself because there’s nothing outside of us which is not already existing inside. Flow with life, embrace challenges! Let your existence become a flow of your Being and the veils hiding Yourself from yourself will slowly vanish. 

What it takes to evolve

The real secret about life is extremely simple, yet so hard to be grasped by the great majority.

The secret is our behavior. Yes, scratch your heads as much as you want but it’s just that. The secret to our evolution is “ignoring” with grace what others are doing or saying no matter how atrocious it may be… We just have mind our actions and reactions. It’s such a mind-blowing element in its own simplicity, but it is just that. The others are just triggers and tools for our true unfolding of the Self. 

Imagine that you are a fish in a aquarium, swimming freely along with other fish. Is the fish aware of the outside world? Can he be fully aware of the fact that his life is being watched since he was a tiny little egg then as a tiny fish and now a fully grown fish? Can he be aware of the fact that each left or right turn is attently monitored and noted? Can he realize in its simplicity how limited he is, yet is he able to make real moral choices in the most weird and twisted situations? This is the very exit from the limited being towards something greater, this is the very tiny door towards the evolution from an instinctual animal towards something great, beyond human nature which is animal-like anyway.

And yes, it may seem at moments that some people hate us, some are lying and inventing about us, but our reaction to it it is all that matters. 

It is beyond hard, it’s of a non-human way to comprehend and to act naturally like you forgive and understand everyone with a motherlike attitude, but this, is the very root of the actual evolution, whatever else is minor, is bullshit. Whatever else is just dreaming, inventing and fantasizing. But you see, this is very hard, because no one can fake being moral and non-violent, nobody can fake having a good and kind heart, they can try to replicate, but the Life itself will push the tests to such a degree that the fake ones will always lose it, they’ll always let their true nature come to surface. 

Once I received an advice which I wish I will always remember, because in the advice there’s the whole world compressed: “If you sink, sink graciously.” What was the message? If you are going down, don’t pull others, just learn to accept defeat graciously and then victory may be around the corner. No place for vengeance, no place for punishing those who are doing wrong things to us.

 Many did reprehensible things being “righteous”, because righteousness is just an illusion, even is we are “right” . Righteousness is the “key” to losing oneself and the dear ones, is the key to lose the battle with your lower nature.

Want to evolve spiritually? Are you ready to be helpless with seeming that there’s one to care for you? Are you ready to see the “truth” that everyone may desert you, blame and accuse you? (although it may be just an illusion or an imposed feeling). Are you ready to be publicly or privately humiliated to the degree that you feel like dying? Are you ready to see all your loved ones hating you? Are you also ready to see old friends looking at you like you have the plague? It’s not really necessary to be like that yet it might happen. Are you ready to be a good person and stick with the good manners and good, healthy thinking about everything even when everything may be looking like is against you?

Are you ready to see that people that you were putting up on a pedestal are still people and they may even look now underdeveloped, just to test you and your faith even more? They may even be unawares of being played by Life against you, but it’s just a game, where either you win it, by winning your dark side or you are “righteous” and you allow yourself to blame, accuse, hurt and curse others, like you did over and over again throughout past lives. The things are twisted, after losing such a test, life can become good, so that we may misinterpret it,..

What is certain is that all the people that are evolved spiritually, have gone beyond primeval instinctual living, and they have been tested by the Higher Self lives and lives. They were suffering tremendously, unbearable things yet they managed to be moral and kept the right path regardless of their dramas. Are you able to do it? Or you are just one of the many who are just dreaming about superpowers and gaining control over matter yet runs away from the responsibility for own actions, reactions and things you say?

True Power comes to the Real Master, the master of own life, of own decisions. True Power is self intelligent impossible to trick or lie to. True Power tests the aspirant. And know many, so many are just doomed to fail,…Be one of the few, one of those who stay calm without analyzing without judging, understanding the temporary nature of the world and staying inside, unmovable minding only own actions and reactions. 

Are you ready to face it all?? And if so, what’s your motivation? It happened in the past that Power was given as the final test to many, but oh, they misused it and they may be still facing the consequences. You see, it’s not that someone is denying us the power, is that The Power itself is trying to protect us from premature exposure which may destroy us. My advice to myself and all of you readers is to really make sure that you are ready to face unimaginable trials and make sure that you are dedicated to improving your actions and reactions to whichever stimuli. Because true spiritual evolution goes through hell and back and makes us feel like living in a hellish realm. 

Be aware that people who helped you big time and who you put great trust into, may be part of your test, they may all of the sudden look like low, like you wasted time and effort, but deep inside your heart lies the truth, don’t rationalize, because the mind will try to delude you, use intuitive sense and surrender to the Higher Power, ask for clarity, don’t expect immediate effect neither answers, just keep an open mind and stay simple and don’t allow your mind to wonder, because it may trick you, just give it time(to the issues you’re having) and whatever is fake fades in time, but what is true will shine eventually and can’t be hidden for long from the real seeker.

I wish that we all have clarity in all of our endeavors and may higher moral be always the guide into whatever action you enterprise. If you feel that you are not ready to face the dirt, don’t start any spiritual quest because many projected easiness onto it and although it may look easy for those who achieved it, for those struggling to get there it’s but invisible and untouchable goal until the moment you close your eyes and surrender to your Higher Self and your Guidance and take The Leap of Faith. Sounds easy, but it’s almost impossible. It takes tremendous dedication, selflessness, patience, resilience, effort but most of all Trust. So I wish that there are many of you readers who may benefit at some point of this information, because one day, when the time is right You will remember it.

In the moments of distress you might forget or discard this information, probably because we are too burdened by life’s vortex or maybe we are not allowed to have any advantage, so I suggest that you just develop detached love towards all that is alive or existing in the illusion and developing high moral values and be ready to surrender and feel beaten up and disappointed, but the good thing is that it won’t last long and your memories are going to be coming back and you will be able to remember this information and to assess your progress. Don’t be hard on yourself if you are failing over and over again, if only one time you manage to do it, to overcome your animal, then you passed to the Big League. 

My well wishes to all of you.

Is there such thing as “truth”?

Everything is true. Every single bit of information is in the same time true and not true at all. There are different levels in which each information becomes true or false. For different individuals the same information can be false and true, but the individuals are on different levels of perception of the world/ reality (illusion).

As an example we can take the diet wars.. Vegans versus meat eaters, advocates of vegetarianism against ketogenic diet ones. They are all right, according to the purpose of the diet, the level of knowledge and the level of evolution: there are several angles to look at a situation. The smaller the number of angles from which we see something the more limited the truth is. The ketogenic diet can show some weight loss features, yet if we are unaware of the rest of the implications like the energetic lowering of the vibration of eating only animal flesh it is highly detrimental. Even on the physical level the toxins, hormones(that were previously injected in the living animal), antibiotics aside from the hormones of stress (cortisol) that are released in enormous amounts into that poor animals blood when killed. How about the lack of vitamins and other phytonutrients which are lacking in such a diet just to name few of the risks and negative implications of this type of lifestyle or diet. So the truth of the ketogenic (or Atkins diet) adepts is a limited, ignorant type of truth as the truth of many people who consider themselves knowledgeable just because they acquired some bookish, predigested knowledge. Yet it’s true to a certain extent. We are all knowledgeable and we are all ignorant.

Those who think that know much are the most ignorant of all. It may sound crazy, but more the people get a chance to access the true knowledge (a higher level of truth than the previous one), more humble they become. By realizing how many times the new level of truth totally changed the paradigm, and shifted their system of reference, their perception about life, its purpose and the world in general, they become more aware and humble, realizing that the next level of truth might again twist their perception and whatever may seem now as being undeniably true might become eventually obsolete and laughable.

Keep an open mind, let yourself explore the most unbelievable of the hypothesis of the information you may come across. The true ignorant denies the other person’s “truth”. The knowledgeable accepts the idea that everything might be correct at their own level for each of the individuals, in their own self-created illusion. How can it be that out of 2 illusionary worlds one is less illusion than the other? In the end even if there can be a gradation (one may be more fantastic than the other), they’re both fictitious. By realizing that, we realize that although we coexist with others, the evolution is very individual and it can’t be taught or teached unless that receiver is open to accept the new level of truth and the time is right. If the time is not yet right we can swim in the right knowledge, we can be forcefully-fed “the ultimate truth”, but we will be blind and deaf to it. And all these I experienced myself: I got a chance to find out good information some time ago but since I wasn’t yet ripe, or let’s say that the time wasn’t yet right, the information that I stumbled across failed to create any ripples in my waters and I am sure I am still experiencing the blindness regarding the next level of truth that I am not yet ready to find out.

Coming back to the diet example, according to my understanding, people evolving realize that eliminating animal flesh from their lives is beneficial (and according to my assumption, mandatory for being able to perceive further levels of consciousness/ perception) for a future, more advanced state.

I have experienced in my own path both polarities, I have been bouncing back and forth from good to bad and back again and I still do, from cold to hot, white and black. I want to emphasize it once again: the secret lays in between, the 0 point, the point of balance between the extremes, the point of singularity, when duality may be still there (while we’re still in the body), yet one becomes unaffected by the positive or negative currents through volition and Grace. It’s hard, almost impossible. But if one has a vision to evolve out of its self-imposed limitations, then the whole paradigm shifts and what for the majority is impossible, for the determined person “the impossible” starts fading and the truth starts unveiling itself.

Aren’t we all One?

The awakened being finds a teaching under each stone, under the most trivial of life experiences. But for the awakened being the old, logical mind is not making the decisions anymore, since it proved its obsolescence. Logical mind it’s still useful for navigating silently in this illusion since it’s made of the same fabric, yet for those intending to raise above the illusion, the tool must be out of the illusion. That tool gets perfected through a lot of trial and error, a lot of falling and rising again, dusting off the clothes and starting all over again.

For such being, there’s no winning or failing, since everything is just experience. Everything is pushing that being to recognize the temporary quality of all the manifested, so automatically that being is heading towards the Eternal, the recognition of one’s own Essence and the fact that this essence is all pervading, all knowing, and it’s inseparable from any bit and piece of the manifested.

Every small thing has a meaning and no meaning whatsoever. Everything is just a huge game of the Eternal playing with Self, separating Itself in tiny bits and pieces of matter, removing the omniscience from Self so that the show is: the struggle towards the removal of the ignorance of that separated, now-materialized (crystallized) Self, and the fight in the process with other pieces and bits of the same Existence that we all are. So, we are continuously facing ourselves in the struggle of getting rid of ourselves. Sounds silly, and it is silly because we can’t escape from ourselves.

The secret is the incorporation, not in the separation. We are all One. We can all feel vibration inside such a blunt and resounding Truth, yet it is too abstract for us, it removes our “uniqueness”, our “specialness”, and we don’t like that. The mind immediately removes whatever is too abstract, afraid we are that we might free ourselves from its influence. That’s the very Ego, and this is why it’s so hard to overcome, because getting rid of it means separation from any ambition or desire that we might have; we let the other Self have it, knowing that whatever is ours, can’t be lost, and that that other Self is still us.

Embrace the enemies and struggles; embrace the pains because they are the ultimate friends of Your True Self. Happiness is the blue pill from the Matrix; you may feel like you’re taking it, yet it slips through the fingers all the time until thousands of lives go wasted like that, and we feel deep inside the futility of going on the same old paths which eventually bring us back to the same old result: misery.

Let go of the idea of happiness since it’s just a trick; it’s like running in the desert for a mirage. The true happiness is within, and it’s there when we experience the “good” and the “bad” alike. Stop crying for what you don’t have and be thankful for what you have. We, the souls experiencing the human experience are the most ungrateful and forgetful beings. We are programed to want something and when that something is acquired, a new desire is born, so we can never experience happiness from the very design of this reality. If so, there wouldn’t be any billionaire and neither  would there be poor, since they would all stop at some moment enjoying their happiness which is always there, no matter how much they have or what are their titles.

Drop the ambition and in an instant you’ll experience “happiness”. True happiness is true existence, enjoying the sweet-scented and the stink alike, not bothered by any of them and not craving for anything either. It’s the moment when the whole Universe and its secrets get unlocked, and they reveal themselves to that Being, because They are that Being.

This process is the process in which we discover, not who, but What we truly are, since we are Everything and Nothing at the same time.

The “Out of the box” realm

We are scared when one exposes the way life functions and doesn’t promise anything, knowing the unpredictability of life, not knowing that maybe that’s our best chance to be on the path of truth and surrender to what life has for us.

We are mostly afraid to step out of the box, to make decisions that may throw us into life, we are lacking the courage to make steps that might take us onto the path of discovering ourselves and the truth about this “reality”. We are very “conservative”. We like to preserve old beliefs which look safer, which are keeping our understanding (the misconception?) of the world together. Because we know that if we choose to step out of the box, there’s a lot of responsibility, a lot of work with one self and not so many people nowadays are even ready to accept that things might be this way.

It’s so easy to go to the old self, the old patterns of behavior.. So easy because it’s something we know, something familiar. It’s the very Stockholm syndrome manifested in our lives, captive in the hands of self-imposed fear and the ego. It’s a decision to fall for laziness and “comfort” since the other choice implies disillusionment; waking up realizing that we know nothing; implies accepting things that we prefer to pretend that are inexistent. That doesn’t mean that stepping outside is only bad, or there’s no comfort. On the contrary, it may become smoother and better with time, because after the negative is failing to deviate us from the path of self-discovery, the positive current is taking over, one of the last trick of the illusion to keep us captive. 

There’s always a risk on this path, the risk of returning to the old self. I still risk going back sometimes to that “safe zone” which is the forgetfulness of the soul. It is a constant struggle, a battle of our Higher Self and the old self, a battle in which the prize is either remembrance of who and what we are, or the sweet forgetfulness. It is exactly like in the first movie of Matrix when the traitor from Neo’s crew chose to betray his team and live in a fantasy world knowing that everything was experiencing was just fake, yet it was so appealing to him and the reality was so cruel so full of responsibility and work. Same with us, we are constantly exposed to the right information yet we are very afraid, we want to stay longer in the sweet and warm pool of oblivion, because we know that outside might be chilling, might be work that we have to do, might be that our entire system of values will be turned upside down and I get it, it’s a very hard perspective to face for those who are not ready.

I have been there. I delayed 20 years my “stepping out of the box” because I wanted to explore the illusion, to dive deep into it, and almost got consumed by it. Probably it wasn’t the time at that point so I don’t go back trying to blame myself that I should have started earlier, how I may be tempted to do. 

I know your doubts and your fears because you are me. I had them. I still have some, yet much less than previously. I am still caught off-guard, but I blocked myself outside of the box, knowing that there was a risk of going back in moments of weakness. So I drew a line under which I am unable to go anymore, I can’t go under a certain level and I am very grateful for the Grace that is with me in form of dear friends and Beings in my life,and in the form of books and information that I come across, that enforces and reinforces the already existing decision.

People and things are coming and going with huge speed in our lives, once “out of the box”, we should realize the futility of clinging or hoping, controlling or pushing a certain agenda onto anyone… We have to respect their choices and wish them all the best.

Be the “out of the box” being and you will be one of the very few who are doing it. By doing this courageous move, you will inspire others, without preaching without teaching, just by automatically spreading this beautiful scent of freedom through your very existence.

Why we have to abandon violence? Part I

The essence of the evolution of the individual is taking full responsibility about everything that is happening in our lives.

It doesn’t matter who provokes us, who triggers us, what they say or do. The only thing that matters for us from the evolutionary point of view is our reaction to the “trigger”. We are responsible for own actions and reactions regardless of who did what to us, or who said whatever. We can of course try to find excuses and explanations for violent reactions or other lower vibrational endeavours. What we have to know is that there is no valid excuse for being aggressive. Aggression creates aggression. Brutality is not to be excused.

Violence comes from fear. Although it may sound not real, but indeed violence is a reaction to fear. Fear of losing someone, of being misinterpreted, fear of loosing status, fear of death, fear of getting hurt, … For some it may start making sense. But in order to make sense, courage to accept that we may not be perfect, knowing that we’re most of the time behaving ,inappropriate has to be there.

When one automatically goes with the violent instinct, the situation most of the time degenerates and it may spiral negatively with very bad repercussions following.

Let’s say someone calls us idiots, and we decide to punish them for saying that, and we hit that person. No good thing can come out of that choice of you to become violent. Let’s take some potential consequences: person falls and dies- jail for the aggressor. Person falls and hurt themselves badly… Jail and/or vengeance from the victim who decides to strike back; the person hits us so hard that we die; a fight is born and both get really damaged and the enmity will be for ever, each time they’ll see each other will try to hurt one another; there a multitude of other similar scenarios and none of them is positive. Even let’s just say that you hurt him, and everything goes cold, he forgets, you forget and life continues like nothing happened, still the bad deed will be creating bad situations in your life because somewhere deep inside our being we judged ourselves for doing that.

But all the above situations can be avoided by knowing that you are not an idiot (or whatever the other person calles us) , but deciding to allow the aggressor to have their opinion. Anyway, You can bless(say something peaceful) him, you can just turn around and go, or you can say thank you, … Each of these choices will astonish the aggressor who subconsciously or not consciously was trying to provoke you but it will defuse the potential dangerous situation spirals up. So we always have a choice to avoid any problems, or to go with the old instinct of violence, which is pulling one down, lower and lower because one low vibration actions attracting more and more bad decisions and actions. The aware person can always change the way they are acting consciously.

Is world going to end? Part II

When we believe that world is going to be ending soon, we’re adding on top of the fear that we’re already fed with, since early childhood. It is not going to kill us but it’s going to be another promoter for bad decisions in our lives, because there are no worse decisions than those taken in the midst of emotional turmoil and when the fear is at its peak.

I have been there. I believed that the world was living its last days and all kind of mistakes but I learned out of it. I learned not to worry anymore about any potential incoming cataclysmic event.
For some people cataclysmic events happen every single day. They die, so for them the end of the world already happened. People die in such ways that at the end of the day you realize that it really doesn’t matter anymore how one dies. The funny thing is I was close to die while working in an office as an IT assistant. A desktop computer with two sources and 2 graphic cards, weighing close to 10 kilos fell straight with one of the corners on my head from 1,5-2 meters height. Who would have thought that there is such a hazard while having an IT job, right? It seems that my time wasn’t yet due. So be sure that when the time is right death is but inevitable. Be ready at any point to surrender to it. Live like there’s no tomorrow, from the point of view of making peace with everyone and everything and taking each extra day as a blessing, an extension in which you have to cherish the life and count your blessings.

Embrace death consciously and you will evolve, because one of the biggest fears is the fear of death.

Don’t be afraid, sit back and enjoy death if it’s your turn. Because death is the ultimate experience which helps one evolve. The way we receive this last experience already shape the future life.

Ancient civilizations were preparing for death their entire life. Egyptians for instance no matter if they were poor, middle class or royalty, all were preparing themselves for the departure since their early life.
Thracians, my ancestors, were crying when someone was born in their family and they were partying when one was dying. Because they knew the essence of this life and what’s all about.
The Spartans won battles where they were outnumbered at least 10:1 because they weren’t at all afraid of dying.

Once we realize that we’re not the body(only) and we are immortal souls, the whole self improvement will make sense. Just by being ignorant about our soul immortality and divine essence, makes us live in fear and allows us to behave in a selfish, not caring way for the other, because we are not aware that we are cells of the same body and we are One and it’s silly to hurt ourselves (by hurting others).

Although we seem to understand the last parable about being all cells of the same body, the real depth of it however, is very rarely grasped since it takes a free human being, to fully realize that inside their core.

About F.E.A.R(False Evidence Apearing Real) Part II

Fear sometimes is deeply hidden in the cellular memory, we may not even be aware of it, but regardless, all our decisions are made having the fear in the background.

Fear is like the surgical instrument that was “forgotten” inside us when the “surgeon” closed us in the past life.
We are sometimes unaware that we are talking nonsense(socially accepted bullshit) to people we don’t necessarily like, because of the fear, fear of not being accepted, liked, of being considered antisocial or weirdos. But we even became unaware of doing that, it became an automatic behavior that we must be aware of. We are staying with the wrong partner because of fear. We are bullying because of the fear of being otherwise bullied ourselves. We are becoming violent with people because of fear that they may leave us, or not do what we want them to do.

You see, my dear reader, fear is the unfortunate driving force which is ruling our life from the shadow, like our own “deep state” who rules us without us even noticing it.
Trying to control, or better said being a control freak comes from a deep sense of fear!

I was once flying for a very long time, and all of a sudden we meet tremendous turbulences. First I was afraid, I felt like shaking, my breath became chaotic, I started moving anxiously checking people around with my eyesight to see how are others taking the extreme event. I have seen people with they’re knees to their mouth, crying, lamenting… That moment I had a revelation: I am going to die! But then I stopped myself and decided to enjoy death fully, to sit back and enjoy my last extreme roller-coaster with grace and a broad smile on the face. And I did, I was so proud of my achievement, I felt that this is exactly the way people should welcome death. Because death is the only certainty that we have in this life. I was in bliss, while others were crying. Besides what’s the point of crying and lamenting? Is it going to change anything? This realization changed my life and patterns of thoughts and behavior along with it. Obviously nobody died, but even the flight attendants were pale and looking shaked because of the severity of the turbulences that we’ve been through.

You see, there’s no real utility for fear after we became adults, actually losing it will create real adults with real decisions which would make this world thrive. Learn to give freedom to people, freedom to do whatever they want, let go of control, look “vulnerable” without being vulnerable and when you’ll realize that life is taking care of you, there’s no need to worry about it, then you will experience blissful surrender, like I had on that plane, surrendering all expectations and projections, letting go of everything, even life.

Throughout my life, each time I surrendered to the unknown, having as a very likely possibility that I was going to loose something, eventually not only that I haven’t lost anything but I gained realizations, essential conclusions which push us further on the path of self-perfection. I also gained the partnership that I was dreaming about at that moment in time, by surrendering to the other’s will, accepting that the answer can be also a negative one.

In order to learn to be a winner, learn how to lose first, with grace, acceptance, understanding, humbleness…this will be a service to yourself and a great tool for your further evolution.

Keep on going on your path, because what’s a winner? A loser who tried one more time!

If you think your life is hard, maybe you are in the elite training mode, and you should remember:

About F.E.A.R(False Evidence Apearing Real) Part I


Fear is the primordial element of the manipulation of the masses. Initially it is just a fundamental “wingman” that supports the individual survival during childhood. Fear of heights protects us from a deadly fall, fear of water keeps us from drowning and so on, but after reaching mental maturity it becomes useless, not just useless but an obstruction on the evolutionary path. Physically, fear creates an influx of hormones like adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol, hormones that are awakening the body onto the state of physical and mental alertness, all the cognitive, superior functions are shut down or diminished to a very basic level and the whole energy is concentrated in the blood stream which is pumped to the muscles, so we can be ready to “flight or fight”. Fear transforms normal people into either aggressors or fugitive, both are unfortunately of a lower nature, subhuman.

That’s the secret, how nowadays masses are kept continuously in a subhuman animal instinct governed kind of life, because who gives a damn about self-improvement when the basic needs are not fulfilled? Who can aspire to philosophy, real spirituality or any other superior science which makes human mentally, morally and spiritually evolve out of the “animal” phase, when there’s a constant flow of adrenaline and cortisol? That’s why the majority are immersed even deeper into the shit, because of their reliance to drugs, alcohol, smoking and other bad habits (to make them “calmer”, “courageous”), which not only lowers even more the vibration but creates a vicious circle of illness, addiction and lowering the natural morale, out of which is extremely hard to exit.

Be advised, the path to becoming human again is hard, it takes courage, tremendous amount of work with oneself, it means being conscious of what we’re performing, eating, drinking, who we are intermingling our sexual energy with, how we’re interacting with each other and how nonviolent we are.

It takes a real courageous person to admit to all the stuff that is pure dirt and sickness that is filling our body, mind and emotionally. And there has to be a genuine call coming from inside, a call to wake up, to change something, knowing that we can’t change anyone and anything but ourselves, but by improving ourselves, we create ripples that will also affect the surroundings.

TV keeps us in fear, fear that we are not so beautiful as the other, not as bright, not having enough money, not having that nice car or boat… Not having big tits or huge muscles as the “successful” ppl,… Wake up! You are perfect the way you are, beautiful, Godlike, with the potential of both killing and saving, constructing or destroying. Don’t allow manipulators to tell you how to live, what to wear, how your woman/man has to look like, what car or house you should have. Start thinking on your own, dear reader, and life will unfold miracles in front of you. The TV and its way of keeping us in fear and its example now you can apply to everything that’s given to us, extrapolate it to all the things that the society is feeding us, predigested “truths” and manipulation, like fake history, religion(no matter which of them), any form of mass media, social media, where we become addicted to people liking us…

If you get inspired, it’s not me who does that, but your Higher Self who brought you here so you can read it. If you feel that it’s not your thing, relax and enjoy the life that you have!